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About Me

All in one, I am a guide navigating you through your subconscious with a set destination: the soul plane. This is where, together, we untangle the life lessons you are going through, whatever they might be - relationship, career, financial, emotional, physical health, or purely personal. In working with clients across all walks of life, each session is specifically tailored to your individual needs, as there are no two life paths that are the same.



My name is Elina. I am a certified Hypnotherapist, Past Life regressionist, Reiki Seichem practitioner, and Coach with my favorite subject being transcendental transformation. 

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What makes you - YOU?

I must admit, I have always been a perfectionist as far as I can remember myself, hence, I have always wanted to live a perfect life. Whilst that is an unrealistic and frankly, unattainable goal for any human being, it has led me to deep-dive into the invisible matters to seek answers on how to transform physical and emotional entanglements. And most importantly - why or when it is not possible.


My story starts with acknowledging that experience is the best teacher when it comes to life. Undeniably, life is not always easy, to say the least. Some struggle more, some less. Though it is impossible to compare two lifelines, as no person experiences the same scale for their ups and downs. Mine have always felt as though with a spice of the extreme.


When I was younger, I could say, I was lucky to be diagnosed with cluster headaches - said to be one of the most painful pain one can experience, and used to last for months at a time. To accompany that, severe nausea, panic attacks, and a few other afflictions joined the party and were experienced on a daily basis, altogether lasting for over 10 years. Needless to say, it affected every single area of my life, including relationships, finances, and career growth, to the point where one just has to wonder whether such a life is worth living at all. Especially, when every medical examination and treatment out there had failed to give a definitive answer. And yet, I was lucky. Firstly, because I had a reliant support system around me. And secondly, because at some point I found myself standing at a crossroads, with one direction leading further down the pit and the other, somewhere aside, towards a road sign: “Nobody is able to help me - I'll have to figure this out myself.”


Changes rarely happen overnight. Naturally, it took some time, during which I had dipped my toe in every less-traditional modality I could come across, from east to west, from voodoo to science. To say the truth, not by choice but driven by desperation to have a “normal” life.

In finding release from my long-standing symptoms for good, subsequently the distress within other, aforementioned areas of my life, the first major conclusion I came to was this:


"Any physical disease roots in the emotional body. Usually, physical symptoms are just the tip of the iceberg. We are very complex, interconnected beings."

Yet, any conclusion puts you on a road to more...

My Story

  • Second grand realization: unless you really, truly are ready to change something, nothing and nobody can bring this change to you. Others can only assist, but it is you who bakes the cake and eats it too.

  • Third: things do happen for a reason. You don't catch the flu by chance. You don’t meet a person without a cause. You don’t end up in a mess without a deeper purpose behind it.

  • Fourth: every action has a positive, subconscious intention. Regardless of whether the action is good or spiteful, regardless of whether it's yours or somebody else's.

  • Fifth: our lifeline is a metaphorical spiral - you either learn, adapt and progress, or keep doing the same old thing and regress. Nothing is constant. Though regressing is easier, as the gravity of your comfort zone pulls you down by the foot. Whereas growth requires effort.

  • Sixth: the world you see and experience is merely a mirror to yourself. Just ask: “Mirror, mirror on the wall, what's really happening?”. Your inner mirror will always answer truthfully.

  • Seventh: balance. As there is no day without the night, happiness without sadness, excitement without boredom, all coins have two sides. Nevertheless, it is your perception and attached emotion that will rule which side is turned upwards. Regardless, both sides are needed, and acknowledging both is where we feel good.

  • Eighth: we have a soul. When we die, the soul lives on. Plus, it packs the entire life lived into its luggage to carry with it.

  • Ninth: karma does exist, only not in the pop-culture, conventional meaning. It is a combination of the law of conservation of energy, cause and effect, and perception-shifting consequences. 

  • Tenth: knowledge is power. Once you know why you experience what you experience, you have the power to change it. All of this knowledge is already within us and all that is needed is some light shed on it. Though, facing the truth is one of the scariest things to a human being. 


My greatest conclusion of all times is...

That the only thing that is real in this world is how you feel about anything. 

Nobody’s perfect. Not you, nor me. And at the end of the day, all that really matters is whether you like how you feel because everything in life is just that simple. And everything in life is also subject to changeable.


The Simple Truth:

Everybody has intuitive abilities, but only it’s a matter of exercising this skill, like a muscle, until it becomes your eternal, internal compass. Everybody also has a unique talent embedded deeply within, tied to their intuition. Mine is being able to tell a person's destructive programming by a conversation alone. And talents must be put to use because we have them for a reason. Not using them might as well leave you blind towards your truthful path.

The hardest part is overcoming the conditioning of what we should do or be; the mind loves to hold on to whom we think we should be as if it's superglued to our DNA. Therefore, I know, that self-transformation is not easy-peasy lemon squeezy. 

I also know that, as I have gone through it myself, I have collected a large basket full of delicious wisdom-berries and skills-cherries on the way, and by now, I feel it's time to share them with You. 

Soul traveling, energy movement, and the fluid vibrational field merging with subjects of psychotherapy, human behavior, emotion, and subconscious matters has been my home for the past 15+ years. There is nothing I can imagine doing or liking more than being a tour guide to my clients on their own journey to unraveling their entanglements I call "life lessons".

The "backstage" of visible reality, whether subconscious field, soul plane, or energy realm is where I feel most comfortable, and I have gathered the know-how to navigate and amend it beautifully. These realms are exactly where I am bringing my clients, so they can become aware of what resides hidden behind the present life they experience.




My approach is to work in partnership with you to discover your unique soul lessons. I believe that nobody else is able to bring changes, but the person in need of them. Together, we draw parallels between the invisible, emotional and tangible; we find causes and solutions to whatever the issue is. I also believe that information should be applied not just learned. My clients are guided into fully experiencing their path to transformation. In the process, they unlock that part of themselves, that lets them take back control that is already within each of us. They walk away holding knowledge and the ability to continue navigating their life consciously.


There never is a “one fix-all” recipe; we are all so very different, hence experience things differently. Whilst commonalities can be found, each self-exploration or therapeutic plan is tailored to individual needs. No stone gets unturned in the process when we work together. And this is exactly when and where I have chosen to let my perfectionism come out and play, in tandem with intuition.


My Soul Medicine platform is exactly what it says it is. This platform was born for me to share with you those tips, tricks, and practices that have proven to work magic and continuously heal on the soul level.


Whilst soul lesson healing via Soul Therapy as well as the joyride of Past Life Experience are the core services on the MSM platform, a few pleasant surprises will become available in the near future. It is time to behold my basket of berries - join in and I hope to meet you soon!


My Soul Medicine

With love,


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