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What people are saying...


“My Soul Medicine is a life changing experience for me.”



My Soul Medicine is a life changing experience for me. Life changing in the best, most gentle & useful way possible.


I was always interested in regression but I never really felt it was the right fit. When I met Elina I felt safe and brave enough to have this new experience entirely. 


It felt comfortable, safe, familiar and absolutely serious business.


This wasn't just for the thrill of having a new type of experience. It was also habit forming and very useful. 


If you want to expand your consciousness, work on yourself, explore your inner Universe this is absolutely for you! 


This experience reminded me that Magic isn't something that defies common sense, science, reason or other aspects of reality. Magic is love, it's trust, it's relating, it's compassion and it is also hard work. 

Thank you, Elina!


“I can finally say … that my life was not only salvageable but rather thriving and in its peak of happiness and authenticity."


I was, in the best way of putting it, at my lowest point in life about 6 months ago prior to starting therapy with Elina.

My life was nothing short of a disaster financially, emotionally and mentally. 

I was in all the wrong crowds, toxic friendships and falling in-love with all the wrong people. Definitely heart broken, with all the quick bandaids doing nothing but dragging me down further.

I was desperate for a solution


… so I got on my knees and said a prayer begging for anything, any sign that could literally make my life better, in the smallest way possible.


It wasn’t till a few days later I stumbled upon the Soul Therapy, and it seemed

nothing short of destiny, so I immediately got in touch with Elina and started the process.


I felt an instant comfort and feeling of safety within our sessions.


And as I mentioned, I was truly seeking help and resolution, I could no longer keep up the life I was living.


The level of distance I felt from my true self was unbearable, extremely superficial and I couldn’t out-run the pain I had suppressed anymore.


I had never tried this form of therapy before so I assumed that recovering would take months and forever to be honest, but I was truly taken by surprise at the level of intensity and speed of progress and healing that was able to be made.


It was 3 sessions in when I managed to resolve a major childhood trauma that had affected me well into my adult years. 


And only 5 sessions when we managed to dig deep and resolve the trauma of abuse I had experienced in my relationship with an ex-boyfriend. 


Until today I am amazed at those two things in particular, as they were things that haunted me on a daily basis, keeping me physically up many nights, and now they never cross my mind!


I have such ease and peace around issues that I never thought I would see the end of.


Throughout the sessions I continued to see growth in my life, it helped me open up as a person as well as giving me the strength to have difficult conversations with my loved ones, and most of all - myself, that were truly necessary for healing wounds that are so deeply suppressed.


I can finally say that now I am at a point in my therapy experience where I can fully surrender and trust, knowing every issue big or small has a solution! 


And that my life was not only salvageable but rather thriving and in its peak of happiness and authenticity.


Thank you to Soul Therapy for truly helping me live my best life!! 


“The target is to heal old wounds, to let go, to forgive and be forgiven. Maybe the most important part is to be forgiven.”



The way I came to work with Elina was an extraordinary reminder of the synchronicity we experience when we are on the right path.


I asked the universe for help in the morning and she appeared on my screen in the evening. 

I understood in the morning that I would need a past life therapist and I read her readiness to work as a past life therapist in the evening.

I did regressions before, so I knew how efficient they can be. 

What I appreciate most about working with Elina is that she is all the time just next to me, I feel her presence in all that we are exploring. She explores all that is necessary in a life. 

The target is to heal old wounds, to let go, to forgive and be forgiven. Maybe the most important part is to be forgiven.


During the sessions we had so far she did not once use the same path and no matter how much time it takes, we always conclude a session with letting go of everything that was shown to me. 


Looking at a past life is never done out of curiosity. The only reason is to heal and let go. 


Most of the time I go through very painful experiences. Elina guides in a way to see and understand what happened but she does not let you stay in the pain for more than necessary.


Her guidance into the light is just extraordinary.

I am most grateful to the universe for sending her to me and especially to her for doing this wonderful work.


Elina is a true gift for me!


“In short, in 6 months I released the real me from a tight shell and changed my life into a beautiful self-made Heaven on Earth – yes, it is possible."

When I started to work with Elina, in our first session – to discuss the issues and the therapeutic plan, I was burdened with so many things, Jesus.


I was desperately trying to recover from a bad breakup and it had been months since I was working, and the improvements were incredibly slow.


I was eating emotionally;

I was drinking emotionally;

I was suffering for months from a bad insomnia – 2-3 hours/night;

I was having all sorts of conflicts from all the different directions;

I was stressed all the time – with or without reason.


I was scared of some paranormal stuff that I was living and I did not understand what to do with it.


The list was long, very long.


After 5 years of traditional therapy I was desperate because the same triggers were coming back over and over again. In 6 months I completely healed everything that I worked on for nothing for 5 years.


In 2 sessions I stopped suffering after my ex:

I understood from a past life perspective: why the conflict, why the bad behavior and most of all – what do I need to do in order to heal.


I healed and changed the initial soul contract I had with him. I finally started to release and free myself from him, to get out of a very deep codependency.


Then I learned that I deserve love:


… and I sent this message to all past, present and future lives of me.


Everybody should have a session with this message. Because we all deserve to be loved.


I healed my insomnia:


By discovering a very deep hidden intra-uterus trauma that was collective, for my whole female part of the family, sleep came back slowly, but surely.


I healed my entire family energy:


… and since then my mom and sister started to heal their relationships too.


I also started to develop a deep, intimate and beautiful relationship with my sister – relationship was very difficult and abusive my whole life.


I took my power back:


… and realized that I am the creator of my life so I have the power to build a beautiful life, not-shadowed by past and present life traumas.


I cleared creativity blockages: 


… and my business started to flourish!


I cleared the anger in me and balanced the feminine and masculine energy in me:


… so that I am yin and yang all together.


I am whole and balanced on all levels.


I learned from the relationship with Elina that when I listen to my intuition and choose a person to be in my life by using my heart, I can trust and be vulnerable, and surprises will be beautiful. Because the heart always knows.


My intuition became more and more accurate: 


… because I started to listen to it and this made me much better at my job – I am a recruiter.


I integrated all my past versions of Andreea and thanked them for sustaining me to become who I am now, and this way I learned to be gentle with myself and others.


I stopped drinking.


I stopped eating emotionally.


I closed my work addiction.


I removed all toxic people from my life.


I learned how to manage my paranormal gifts and use them to my advantage.


And again the list of benefits is too long for this.


In short, in 6 months I released the real me from a tight shell and changed my life into a beautiful self-made Heaven on Earth – yes, it is possible.


For those who never worked with regressions I will explain a little bit – forget all moves you have seen in videos with people hypnotized doing silly things. 


During Elina’s regressions you are always perfectly aware of what is happening, you communicate with her, you have full control over the session and you can stop anytime you want if you feel like it.


Also, you never RE-live past traumas because even if you revisit them you watch them like a TV show and observe like a spectator, so the emotions are never intense and never as they were when the trauma happened. 


Because you are not becoming yet again the person who suffered the trauma.


Once a trauma is healed it never comes back.


Elina does NOT suggest anything to you. Everything you hear, feel, smell etc. is your past life, present life or a message from your intuition.


Just go with the flow and allow your heart and this wonderful therapist to guide you towards full healing and an abundant life.


With Elina’s support it is actually simple.

Healing and personal growth are a lifetime journey and I hope to have her on my side for every step of the way.


Do I recommend her services? I recommend her to ALL my friends including my family.  That speaks for itself.



I was blessed to have met her and I am a client she will not get rid of for a very long time. 


“I got to see the bigger picture and to have so many 'Aha' moments about my life!"

I highly recommend working with Elina!


After six months of working on different issues and areas of my life, I solved issues that I have been working on, on many levels. With lots of other techniques - I couldn't clear or heal them.


Elina's help and guidance did magic on my healing quest. 


Her calm, her kindness and her patience helped in calming me and helping to "see" the trees from the forest.


Her empathic nature, her experience and her understanding did wonders in every single session.


I got to see the bigger picture and to have so many 'Aha' moments about my life! One of my wishes was to stop reacting all the time, so I got the capacity to see the programs that magnetize me in reacting and to look for the bigger lesson in what is happening around me.


I got to be calm, collected and to react less! Most of the time, at least!


The blessings in my life poured when the relationships and my health improved!


Thank you, Elina for coming in my way! I am thankful for your involvement and your dedication!


I will continue to work with you as many times as I have a chance!


“I’ve discovered that there are very few people who have been made by Life in such a way as to become genuine 'workers on people’s soul’.”

It just so happened that I met Elina in a difficult period of my life.

It had to do with leaving a secure, well-paid and comfortable, but dreadful job. In fact, most of my life so far has been a sequence of difficult periods. However, this particular aspect just added extra weight all the time, bit by bit, for 11 years. 

It plagued me with unhappiness, made me miserable and gave me even more of what was already a joyless life. 

Uncertainty, financial insecurity, on an already fragile and scarred mind, are very scary things, even more so when the others do not support your decisions. Radical change surfaces a lot of fear, loads of it irrational.


I am not the kind that seeks for psychological help from other people, I always tried to get it together by myself, to find the solutions myself, on my own. 


This is the crux of my life, everything else about me revolves around trying to achieve liberation from this suffering that I have had since I was small. 


After many years of tormenting myself and swallowing it, being afraid of making a change, I finally gathered the courage to leave this job that didn’t suit me, the only job I ever had at that point.


I started taking action towards finally stopping this misery and setting myself free.

I have understood aspects of the real path that leads to real healing. It has taken me a lot to understand the simple truth of Love that all people require to understand in order to bloom as a human life, this simple truth, for example: “only what we love allows us to be free. Little love, little effect.”


And so I’ve discovered that there are very few people who have been made by Life in such a way as to become genuine “workers on people’s soul”. 


Naturally, since I spent so much time with Elina, it is because she is a genuine helper.

She does provide real, effective psychological support.


Although the most pressing source of internal conflict for me at that time was my job, don’t you rush to believe that our conversations only went around issues at my ex-workplace and what triggered me into a spiral of anger.

We sought to...


 discover the hidden, underlying causes and conditions for this anger, for my unhappiness overall, 


 the triggers that set me off, to understand why things happened in my life the way they did, 


 more exactly why did I perceive things the way I perceived them, 


 and how was I responsible for sustaining and maintaining that perception,


 and how can I release myself from it and create a new perception, a new path for experiencing life in a better way.

Perhaps the quality that struck me most from Elina was her adaptability.


Initially, I thought that I wouldn’t have problems working with the visualization method, but it turned out that it was hard to get the ball rolling. Yet she adapted very well and many of our sessions took the form of a mix of more discussion and less visualizations. Those discussions were very valuable.

Some insights of hers after integrating my narrative felt like the stroke of genius, without exaggeration.

She had put things in such a perspective that made me achieve liberating insight.


They were like deep “aha-moments” of expanded awareness.


Those were, by far, my favorite moments from all sessions.

In every session we had, she proved to be very, very attentive and empathetic. I felt understood and acknowledged the entire time. 

Another quality of Elina that struck me is her careful consideration for personal borders. She was very careful to not overstep and diminish my experience, but at the same time resolved to establish what would be the better way for me to conceptualize a certain situation or reaction. She is a very good communicator.

I could say many more things about why I think Elina is an effective psychological counselor.

I wholeheartedly recommend Elina for providing help with any psychological issue. She is a genuine healer. 

Thank you, Elina!

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